First Parish Church in Weston

Grades 5 - 6

Grades 5-6: Peacemakers
Grades 5-6 focus on developing students' Biblical literacy, especially regarding the historical context of scripture and the world of Jesus. We hope students will come away with an understanding of who Jesus was in his world, a radical leader who called for peace and justice, and who he might be in our world today.

Students also learn more about how our faith tradition developed over centuries out of these ancient stories. How were these stories collected into what we know as scripture today? Who wrote the Bible, and how do we read it? How do the seasons and holidays of the Christian church year call us to celebrate and remember those stories?


Our Torda Friends

Did you know that First Parish shares a special connection with our partner UU church in Torda, Transylvania (Romania)? Fifth and sixth grade students will develop pen pal relationships with students in Torda, giving them an opportunity for cultural engagement and global friendship.

Learn more about VOLUNTEERING with Church School or REGISTERING ONLINE for our programs. You can also view our PARENT GUIDELINES.

Church School

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Grades 5-6

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Created: Sep 25, 2000   |   Modified: Aug. 20, 2015