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In response to the recent Weston Community forums on teens and alcohol, First Parish staff has drafted a policy for all social Youth Events (non-religious and non-academic) indoors at First Parish Church in Weston (both private rentals and church-sponsored) to keep such occasions safe and enjoyable for all. This is an addendum to FPCW Safety Procedures policy.  Sunday morning and other worship services of the liturgical year are exempt from this policy.

Rules for BOTH Youth and Adults


·       Name tags

·       Make it a great time for everyone!


·       Outside liquids or food to the event

·       Weapons

·       Drugs (including tobacco) or Alcohol

·       Pets or animals

·       Exclusive behavior

·       Sexualized behavior

·       Damage to property

·       Injury to persons

·      Verbal or physical violence

·      If a youth leaves the building unchaperoned, they may not re-enter the event
(if necessary, call parents).


  • Have one adult chaperone over the age of 21 for every 10 youth under the age of 21 (with a minimum of two if 10 youth or less).
  • Bring a cell phone that works (as of May 1, 2007 Cingular, Verizon and AT&T cell phones work/have reception at the church, T-Mobile and Sprint do NOT).
  • Confiscate all outside bottles and beverages, e.g. any open container might contain alcohol.
  • Label and hold all purses, bags and backpacks.  These may be available during the event (at chaperone’s discretion) and will be returned to guests at the end of the event.
  • Periodically check rest rooms.
  • Plan on having parent or adult chaperone present with First Aid/CPR training and current certification.  The First Aid Kit is in the kitchen.
  • Consider having a Weston police officer present for security for any evening event involving over 50 youth.
  • Monitor access to areas of the church that are not included in the event accommodations, and entrances and exits. You should lock the doors to the basement at (1) the bottom of the stairs by the Church School Breezeway , (2) bottom of the stairs between the Sears Chapel and library (also make sure the boiler room is locked), and (3) basement door between Office Complex foyer and the hallway to Attic Treasures/Youth Rooms. Emergency exits need to be chaperoned, NOT BLOCKED.


For everyone’s safety and security, chaperone monitors will be stationed at all points of ingress to and egress from the primary activity areas of the event.  Chaperones will not leave their posts unless another adult has come to relieve them.  We strongly recommend for your comfort that you have enough chaperones to give stationary monitors regular breaks.  The following list limits access to (1) classrooms, (2) the lower level, including church offices, (3) the chapel:

  • Entrance and Greeting Area in foyer (sign guest book) to make available purses, bags and backpacks and to check who is entering and leaving.
  • Primary Activity Areas.
  • Art Gallery, restrooms and access to stairwells (leading up to classrooms and down to office).
  • Chapel entrance and stairwell to upstairs classrooms and lower level.
  • Breezeway to Church School wing and stairway to basement, 2 doors to outside.
  • Adult must be present in kitchen if youth are to have access to kitchen.

On-Line Church School Registstration/Parent Permission Slip


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Created: Sep 2, 2000   |   Modified: Thu, Sep 4, 2008